Sunday 27 November 2016


Hi everyone,

If anyone has taken time out of their day to read my blog that deserves major respect! Cause I've been an awful blogger and that's no surprise. Reading through all my old posts. 'Soz guys haven't been here sorry guys I've been busy'.(BS)

I need to keep on top of my blogs and who I am as a person. A lot has changed with me since I've lasted blogged or even updated you on my life.

Here,s a rundown of life.
1. I'm 9yr
2. I'm not that much of a fan of zoella
3. I had dominos last week!
4.I've changed a bit
5. I never told you before but I'm a Christian!

I cant lie and say I've had some real life changing events happen to me because I cant think of any great stories to tell about these past few months but maybe something will come up.

So firstly I wanted to say that the content of this blog is gonna change to more life/relatable stuff.
Secondly I will be doing weekly uploads here now on this blog. They should  go up on Fridays, mostly.

I'll also be talking about really controversial stuff as well and other topics for example;
The Us presidency
Social Media
Todays Society teens and stuff they do.

There a lot coming on this blog so watch out for that too.
Grace is outttttttttttttttttttttta

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